What should you do after coming off birth control?


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Transitioning off birth control can be a big change for many women and present itself with many fears questioning fertility and their menstrual cycle. Whether you were using birth control as a form of contraception, to manage period symptoms, or both, it is important to know how to take control of your menstrual cycle. Here are a few tips in order to get started!

Understand Your “Why”

Many young women are put on birth control as a “Band-aid” to decrease the severity of symptoms associated with our menstrual cycles, such as heavy bleeding, irregular cycles, and severe cramps. Very rarely are we ever exploring the root cause of these symptoms. It is key to be your own health advocate in order to investigate the cause of extreme symptoms. This is not to say that birth control is not a great tool for those who need it, because it can work wonders for those struggling. However, it is worth talking to your midwife or OBGYN about any underlying issues.

Disclaimer: You should always do what feels right for you. No one is required to be on or go off birth control. Explore options with your midwife or OBGYN to figure out what might be the right choice. 

Track Your Cycle

After the discontinuation of birth control, your menstrual cycle may take some time to regulate. Tracking your cycle can help you understand your body’s natural rhythm and identify any irregularities. There are plenty of apps available to help you track your period. For some people, these apps can help predict ovulation and when you should expect to get your period, but may not be accurate for those with an irregular cycle. For this reason, they may be a helpful family planning tool for some people, but might not be right for everyone. Regardless, they are great tools to track symptoms! Some apps we like to recommend are Stardust, Flo, Apple Health, Temp Drop (use this link for 10% off), and Natural Cycles.

Support Your Health with Vitamins

Starting a women's multivitamin or prenatal that contains folate is highly recommended if you decide to discontinue birth control. Folate is a crucial micronutrient for the early stages of pregnancy in order to prevent neural tube defects in the developing fetus. Even if you aren’t planning on conceiving now,  50% of all pregnancies in the US are unplanned. So, maintaining adequate folate levels is vital for all women of childbearing age. Want help choosing a prenatal vitamin? Check out our Ultimate Guide to Prenatal Vitamins.

There is no need for a “Detox”

The idea that you need a “detox” after coming off birth control is a complete myth. Our bodies are capable of so much more than we realize, and are able to naturally detoxify themselves. Instead, focus on staying hydrated, eating whole foods, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle rather than seeking out juice cleanses or detox products.

Monitor and Manage Your Symptoms

If you are experiencing extreme symptoms such as unmanageable mood shifts, very heavy or painful periods, or irregular/missing periods, it is essential to consult with your healthcare provider. These symptoms can indicate underlying hormonal imbalances or other health issues. Follow-up lab work should include hormone testing such as thyroid hormones, estrogen, progesterone, and androgens in order to identify any imbalances. You may also wish to request a pelvic ultrasound to check for PCOS or uterine abnormalities.

Nutrition Recommendations

Maintaining a balanced diet rich in nutrients is crucial during this transition, regardless of whether you are planning to conceive. Even though we do recommend a multivitamin or prenatal vitamin when discontinuing birth control, our philosophy here at Feed Your Zest is to help clients prioritize nutrient dense foods, too. More detail regarding the key nutrients for women’s health can be found in this previous blog post. It is also super important to make sure you are incorporating enough of your carbohydrates, fats, and protein and not leaving out any macronutrient group; click here to learn more about why you need all 3!

What should I do next?

We understand that this transition can be a confusing and overwhelming time. If you are interested in seeking more information or would like some support during this time, click here to get started with 1:1 coaching and gain the guidance and support you need.